AGM 2020 -Notice and Finance

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Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Dads Rock (registered number SC043877) will be held via Zoom on Wednesday 4 November 2020 at 8pm to transact the following business: 

1. Minute of the 2019 AGM  

Approval of the Minute from the Dads Rock Annual General meeting held on Saturday 26 October 2019. 

2. Resolution 1: Charity Trustee Retirement by Rotation and Re-election 

Under Clause 59 of our Constitution, five trustees are required to retire from their  position. The following trustees are willing to be re-elected under Clause 57: 

a. Gillian Anderson 

b. David Gray 

c. Roslyn Neely  

d. Mark Phillips 

e. Liann Weir 

3. Membership Subscription 

Membership subscription will be set at each AGM. It is proposed to set the membership for 2020-21 as £3.50 per annum. 

4. Trustee Term of Office  

It is proposed to members that the term of office in our constitution is changed from a two-year term, to 3 years and a maximum of 3 terms.  

5. Annual Accounts  

To receive an overview of the annual accounts to the year ended 31 March 2020.

6. Chair Overview  

To receive an overview of activities from the year. 

7. To deal with any other competent business 

By order of the Board 

David Gray 

Chair of the Board of Trustees 

Dads Rock, 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh, EH5 2FF 

Date of this notice: 19 October 2020

Minute of the 2019 Dads Rock Annual General Meeting (registered number SC043877) held on Saturday 26 October at 10.30am at Granton Parish Church,  55 Boswall Parkway, Edinburgh, EH5 2DA 

The Interim Chair, David Gray, opened the Annual General Meeting by  thanking members for attending the AGM and that the Halloween festivities  will continue after the formal business is concluded. 27 members and  trustees were present resulting in a quorate meeting and the Annual General  Meeting commenced. He confirmed that due notice was given for the  meeting. 

1.Minute of the 2018 AGM  

The Interim Chair noted that the first item on the notice was the approval of  the Minute from the Dads Rock Annual General meeting held on Saturday  1 September 2018. Through a show of hands, the members confirmed their  approval of the minute.  

The Interim Chair proceeded to give a brief chair’s report of the previous  year’s activity. He stated that the funding and financial sustainability of Dads  Rock has been of particular concern and that the funding environment for all  charities remains extremely competitive and challenging, but confirmed that  the Board are confident that we have a sustainable funding strategy in place,  which is delivering on its objectives and bringing in the financial support we  need to continue the work we do, to support dads and families. 

The Interim Chair passed the Board’s sincere thanks to Lisa Holder for her  significant work towards sustainable funding streams. He also thanked the  members, dads and families who undertook to raise funds for Dads Rock  through a variety of different activities and events.  

Referring to the video which was shown at the start of the meeting, the  Interim Chair reflected on the some of the highlights from the year, drawing  particular attention to the figures listed below: 

  • 216 children came to our playgroups, this includes 87 new families  • Almost 3,000 people signed up for our Botanics Father’s Day Event • 84 Dads attended our Dads Antenatal classes 

  • We supported 14 Young Dads during the year

  • He highlighted to the members that James McCulloch, the former Project  Worker was working with a young dad and this work prevented the Dad from  going into care, demonstrating just how vital Dads Rock is for young dads  across Edinburgh. James joined Dads Rock in 2018 and left in August this  year to follow an educational career. On behalf of the Board and the team,  we passed on our sincere thanks to James for his work with Dads Rock. 

  • The Interim Chair referred to the two Trustees who resigned during the year;  Natalie Kerr, former Vice Chair, and Gordon MacDonald MSP having been a trustee with Dads Rock for 8 years. On behalf of the Board, he passed their  sincere thanks for their support and invaluable contribution to the Board  discussions and decisions over the years.

  • The Interim Chair proceeded to thank Barry Wright who was a valuable Dads Rock employee for over 2 years, before leaving in 2018 to become a  secondary school teacher. We are delighted that Barry remains involved with  Dads Rock as a Trustee.  

  • Sol Grieve-Rae joined Dads Rock in November 2018 as the Social Media  Administrator and has been a great asset to the charity, getting involved in  various activities, including the filming and production of the fantastic Year in  Review video demonstrating the charities impact. 

  • The Interim Chair also extended a very warm welcome to our two newest Project Workers, Greg and Amy, who have both joined Dads Rock within the  last six weeks and will be focussing on our work with Young Dads. 

  • The Interim Chair also passed his thanks to the Trustees who give up their  time and energy on an unpaid volunteer basis. He stated that it really is  amazing to work with a group of such dedicated and passionate people. 

  • Finally, the Interim Chair passed his sincere thanks and appreciation to our  Service Manager, Thomas Lynch. Since co-founding Dads Rock in 2011,  Thomas has continued to develop the charity in to what it is today, and to  helping our beneficiaries. 

    2. Resolution 1: Retirement by Rotation and Re-election 

    The Interim Chair then stated that the second item of business is to re-elect  those trustees who are retiring by rotation.  

    Under article 59 of the Constitution of Dads Rock three directors are retiring  by rotation and as stated in article 60, each of these trustees will be deemed  to be re-elected. 

    As noted on the notice, Matthew Smith will not be standing for re-election.  On behalf of the Board, we thank Matthew for his support and commitment  to Dads Rock. 

    Susan McGee has indicated her willingness to continue as a Board trustee  and it is proposed to the Members that she is appointed for a further two  years. It was resolved to re-elect Susan McGee. 

    Gavin Wilson has indicated his willingness to continue as a Board trustee  and it is proposed to the Members that he is appointed for a further two  years. It was resolved to re-elect Gavin Wilson.

3. Resolution 2: Appointment of New Trustees 

Since the last Annual General Meeting of Dads Rock, two Trustees have  tendered their resignations: Natalie Kerr and Gordon Macdonald MSP. As  Matthew Smith is not standing for re-election, this results in three vacancies  on the Dads Rock Board.  

An external recruitment exercise was undertaken and as a result, members  were asked to vote to appoint the following three candidates to the Dads  Rock Board: 

a. Mark Bishop 

b. Kevin Fallon 

c. Tom Mallatratt 

Voting for these candidates was completed and the members agreed to  appoint all three candidates as Board Trustees of Dads Rock. 

4. Annual Accounts 31 March 2019 

The Interim Chair referred to the financial update circulated with the notice of  the meeting. The members heard that our accounts are externally audited  each year by an independent examiner who has signed them off, along with  the Treasurer and Service Manager.  

The Interim Chair highlighted the following points: 

  • In 2018, a £50,000 grant was received from The Scottish Government,  which helped fund us throughout that year.

  • £17,500 was raised from our own fundraising, which included Just Giving  donations, and activities such as the Kiltwalk.

  • We ended the financial year with just under £42,000, though this does  not include or reflect the funding that has been received since then. 

  • In total, more than £62,000 in funding has been awarded to us since  then, with more in the pipeline. We have applied for over £234,000 in  total.

  • We also already have funding commitments totalling £46K for the next two  years, which is why the Board feel confident to report that we are now in a  much more financially sustainable and stable footing than in previous years. 

    The Interim Chair confirmed that concluded the finance update.  

There being no further competent business, the Interim Chair declared our  AGM closed.


Financial Update

Dads Rock Annual General Meeting 2020

2019/2020 Accounts: 

The following update provides the financial year position from the 1st April 2019 to the 31st March 2020. 

As of the 1st April 2020, Dads Rock had a healthy cash position of £41,971 in the bank. The income gained over the financial year was £100,320, with £101,015 of costs. Resulting in a near neutral position over the 12 months of -£665. 


Impact of Covid-19 

The reduction in costs required to host physical sessions and steady flow of successful  grant applications leaves Dads Rock in a strong financial position with £59,017 in the  bank at the end of August 2020. An increase of £17,046 from the end of the financial  year. 


Treasurers Overview: 

Based on the current spend the operating costs are likely to come in around £110- 120k for the 2020/21 financial year. Dads Rock are on track to meet these costs and  potentially have additional funds that could be invested in new projects.  

The board have agreed that additional funds would need to be secured before making  any new investments.  

To ensure the financial security of the organisation, Dads Rock will look to retain a  £40k buffer in the bank at all times.


Our Impact 2019-2020


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