Board Meeting Minutes - 19th June 2018
DATE: Tuesday 19 June 2018
VENUE: RBS HQ, Gogarburn, EH12 1HQ
1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Mike Mawby (Chair & Minute); Mathew Smith; Susan McGhee; Gavin Wilson; Kristoffer Boesen; Liann Wilson; Tom Oliver
In Attendance: Thomas Lynch; Lisa Holder
Apologies: Natalie Kerr; Sam Bidder; Gordon MacDonald
Meeting Quorate
MM thanked GW for again arranging use of RBS meeting facilities.
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting
Agreed as an accurate record. MM asked for opinions on making future minutes public/available to members. No one had any objections in principle but recognised that care would need to be taken on how minutes are recorded. Process proposed would be that once Minutes have been agreed as being an accurate record at the subsequent Board meeting they will be published on the blog with a note going out to the membership that they are available for them to see.
Action: On being agreed as an accurate record these minutes will be published on the blog and made available.
3. Matters Arising:
Special Members Meeting
Noted that there was a low turnout but that those members who did attend were engaged. Recognised that there was competition regarding time and date and the weather. Also as the crisis of October has passed and we have been keeping the membership updated since then many may not have felt the need to attend.
Had hoped to be able to vote on a number of changes to the Constitution but as the meeting was not quorate this was not possible.
Does raise some implications for the AGM (see below).
Service Update
TL spoke to the paper circulated.
Discussion on issues regarding GDPR and the importance of having a clear policy and process regarding the taking, use storage and deletion of images as well as personal information.
Action: TL to review current policy and update Board.
Evaluation Scotland– as part of the funding agreement with Scottish Government TL has arranged for a session to look at outcomes. MM to join TL, LH and BW at the meeting.
Update: meeting was very useful and productive (see attached paper). MM of the view that it is important that the new Board have the opportunity to engage in the process as soon as possible after the AGM.
MM welcomed Lisa Holder our new Fundraising Manager to the meeting.
TL informed that James McCulloch our new Project Worker will be starting on 02 July 2018.
Date and venue confirmed at Saturday 08 September 2018 at Whale Arts. In light of attendance at Special Members Meeting Board agreed to bring start time forward to 10:00. Number of other matters need to be considered including ensuring that attendance is quorate so that changes to the Constitution can be considered and that new Trustees can be voted onto the Board.
TL has set Planning Meeting dates 09 July and 09 August and MM asked Trustees to nominate themselves to attend.
SM available for both dates: LW, NK & GW available for August date.
Action: SM; LW; NK; GW to confirm availability with TL
4. Chair and Vice Chair
MM spoke to papers circulated. It had been prompted by a concern that as currently defined the role of Chair needs as well as providing a leadership and governance role to be in a position to provide advice and guidance on safeguarding and practice issues to the Project Manager. Whilst the current Board does have a breadth and depth of experience and a high level of engagement once MM stands down there will be only one person on the Board with that kind of specialist experience. So far there have been no expressions of interest from individuals with this kind of experience from the current GoodMoves advert for new Trustees.
to adopt revised Role Descriptors for Chair and Vice Chair;
to revise advert on GoodMoves to emphasise need for Trustees with experience in children and families work;
trustees to use their own networks and contacts to encourage suitable individuals to nominate themselves;
MM/TL to provide breakdown of current time commitment of Chair.
5. Fundraising Update
LH provided an update on her work and her initial impressions from her first six weeks in post. Board members impressed and grateful for her input and clearly able to see the value in her role and her work to date.
Board agreed to the need for an appropriate database and delegated authority to LH and TL to choose the most appropriate.
6. AOB
No Other Business
7. Dates for 2018
Annual General Meeting – Saturday 08 September 2018 at Whale Arts 10:00 start
Agreed that given the importance of the issues that need to be addressed at AGM the Board will hold a telephone conference call on Tuesday 14 August 2018 at 20:00 (details for accessing the conference call will be issues closer to the time).